Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome

I was supposed to hand in a literature review a few weeks ago but I didn’t complete it.

I always says to my students that I would rather they handed in something – however bad – than nothing at all. So that’s what I did: I handed in an incomplete lit review.

Yesterday, one of my tutors, on my taught doctorate which we call an Ed D (Doctorate of Education) said that what I’d written was good and he was sorry I hadn’t completed it.

I was surprised. I had convinced myself that I had handed in a Trump-BoJo set of words. What I mean by that is words that sound ok to the audience but in reality mean diddly squat.

I got a distinction in my PGCert which I did in 2018 and Leadership Certificate which I completed this year.

I am invested in my topic, I have read pretty widely (there’s always more that I could read) so why would I think that what I am writing isn’t that good?

There was a young man on the radio yesterday who said that he could get one hundred compliments but he would always focus on the single negative comment.

Am I still thinking about the teacher who accused me of cheating when I was the only student in the class with the correct answer … or was it the teachers (there was more than one) who said I wasn’t capable?

A few months ago, I came across a death notice for that teacher who accused me of cheating. I wrote in my notes:

“Died March 2017, Parkinsons – let it go.” 25th May 2019

But it’s clearly still on my mind. Food for thought.

Published by Lynda

"Who am I? Why am I here? You're asking, I'm asking. Tired of all the moaning around me, tired of waiting for something to happen, I decided that I couldn't just let life pass me by. It occurred to me that if I could help a single person, that act could change the outcome of an entire community for the better. I want to matter. I want to make a difference. I've chosen Nicaragua." That was 2011 - this is 2021. I'm researching for a Doctorate of Education Creative and Media aka an Ed D. Those early questions are still as important in 2021 as they were in 2011. The Chicassos of 2017 now come with the BlackademicUK tag.

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